On November 12 and 13, 2018, the "1st International Workshop" in the WANDEL project took place in Kassel, at which international practice partners presented themselves. They have jugded the latest plans, previously developed concepts and open questions in WANDEL from the point of view of their work and have given the WANDEL team many valuable hints and suggestions along the way.
In addition to the international practice partners World Wildlife Fund (WWF), KfW North Africa Development Bank, International Center for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC), MENA Renewables and Sustainability (MENARES), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Uniper was welcomed in the project as a new national practice partner, which provides the Heyden power plant as Weser case study.
The WANDEL team wants to thank all participants for coming, the lively discussions and the many constructive comments.
In addition to the international practice partners World Wildlife Fund (WWF), KfW North Africa Development Bank, International Center for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC), MENA Renewables and Sustainability (MENARES), Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Uniper was welcomed in the project as a new national practice partner, which provides the Heyden power plant as Weser case study.
At the center of the event was the introduction of the practice partners and the project on the one hand, and on the other hand the presentation and discussion of the concept for the water footprint of energy systems, as previously developed at CESR, and the indicator set water and energy security developed at the USF. In addition, the partners from WI presented the project's 2030 and 2050 energy scenarios. The conclusion of the very productive meeting on the second day was the identification of possible synergies and trade-offs between SDG 6 and 7 by the participants with subsequent collection of different solution approaches and the corresponding target groups.
One of the most important findings is that the demand of different actors for scientific work in the water-energy nexus and beyond still is too low. Awareness rising is thus an essential part of possible solution strategies.
The WANDEL team wants to thank all participants for coming, the lively discussions and the many constructive comments.