WANDEL-Share Geoportal Prototyp.

On the 31th of January and 1st of Febuary 2018 mundialis invited the project partners to their office in Bonn to present the prototype of WANDEL-Share geoportal.

In a warm and relaxed atmosphere mundialis showed plenty of useful functionalities. The geoportal is very user-friendly und can be used even without deeper knowledge of geo-information systems. Thus all partners can benefit from the extensive options of remote sensing. Massive data processing, through a programming solution that runs in the background, is a way to process satellite raw data very fast, and allows a rapid access to map sections and specific indices. Moreover the platform offers the possibility to share results and information, e.g. via the upload of PDF-documents in a user specific structure (which is only the simpelst option), while it leaves lots of room for user specific demands depending on the individual problems and scopes. WANDEL-Share can be used to link multiscale data in a way that partners working on different scales (local, regional, global) may profit from interfaces. The integration of a spatial component in initially not site-specific projects like modelling future scenarios and development paths can be another useful function of WANDEL-Share.

Furthermore mundialis presented some (open source) software solutions for efficient networking and organizing teamwork. The partners chose the most promising ones to be linked to WANDEL-Share where they can be tested by everyone.

mundialis has a sympethetic ear for special needs at any time and gives advice on finding innovative solutions. The prepared satellite data and software solutions are each and every license-free and open source.

The meeting in Bonn was highly productive and very instructive. For sure, many new possibilities opened up and many new ideas were born.

Many thanks to the mundialis-Team for organizing the meeting wonderfully and to the participants for stimulating conversations!